Jessica Joyce Christie
Jessica Christie is a Full Professor at East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina, United States. She teaches about visual cultures of the Americas with specific research interest in Maya and Inka societies.
The first purpose of this website was intended to offer additional illustrations (color photos and drawings) to accompany her book Memory Landscapes of the Inka Sculpted Outcrops: Past to Present, published by Lexington Press. This website will evolve with further publications.

My interests have focused upon 3D visual culture and associated spaces in Mesoamerica, the Andes, and Native North America. I have always complemented study of the literature with hands-on field experiences. My dissertation analyzed Classic Maya Period Ending ceremonies and their performance spaces marked by stelae (1995). My research focus shifted to Maya architecture and its social context of political power, which resulted in two edited volumes about Maya palaces (2003; 2006). The palace volumes have been my most widely cited research. Then my work entered the field of landscape studies and related critical theory, producing two more edited volumes (2009; 2016). My single-authored book Memory Landscapes of the Inka Carved Outcrops examines 3D place-bound sculpture in a landscape context (2016). It also takes a long-duree approach tracing links between pre-contact, Colonial, and present cultural settings. My new book project aims to expand the research I have done by delving into three comparative case studies from North America, Mesoamerica, and the Andes, reconstructing archaeological cultural landscapes and linking them to contemporary notions of heritage. The book is intended to make primarily academic and some applied contributions. I have initiated two small community projects – one at Coba - as a way of giving back to the people who have shared insights with me. I have completed the manuscript and, as of May 2019, it is in the stage of reviews and revisions.